Architect Giordani Shares Visionary Urban Planning Ideas with Saudi Minister Majid Al-Hogail

We were honored to have a private meeting with Majid Al-Hogail, the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing in Saudi Arabia. Our chairman, Architect Giordani, presented his visionary philosophy on housing and master planning, which resonated perfectly with the Minister's vision.

As a gesture of appreciation, Architect Giordani gifted the Minister a copy of his latest book, 'How to build the City of the Third Millennium.’

#CityscapeGlobal #ArchitectsInRiyadh #MeetingWithMinistry #recs #Riyadh #2024

PARMA: La Nostra Mostra "Idea e Froma: Lo Sguardo Creativo dello Studio RECS Architects"

Grandi Notizie!
Siamo entusiasti di annunciare la nostra mostra "Idea e Forma: Lo Sguardo Creativo dello Studio RECS Architects", disponibile dal 30 maggio al 30 settembre 2024 presso Al Bajon, via Dalmazia 5, 43121, Parma.

"Idea e Forma: Lo Sguardo Creativo dello Studio RECS Architects" è una vetrina dedicata alla nostra visione architettonica, dove la ragione guida la forma e l'architettura diventa il mezzo attraverso cui l'idea si concretizza. Attraverso cinque aree tematiche, esploreremo progetti che riflettono il nostro approccio razionale, in cui ogni elemento architettonico funziona come una rappresentazione di un'idea concettuale.

La nostra filosofia si basa su un approccio razionale all'architettura, in cui l'idea domina sempre la forma e mai il contrario. Crediamo che l'architettura debba rappresentare la ragion d'essere di un'idea, che viene sempre prima della forma. Questo principio guida ogni nostra creazione, assicurando che ogni edificio, ogni spazio, rifletta una profonda coerenza tra immaginazione e realizzazione.

Aree Tematiche della Mostra:

  • Interior Design per Abitazioni Private
  • Interior Design per Aree Commerciali
  • Ville e Condomini
  • Torri e Grattacieli
  • Spazi Pubblici

Vi invitiamo a esplorare ogni sezione della mostra per comprendere appieno come la nostra filosofia si traduce nella pratica. Ogni progetto esposto è una testimonianza del nostro impegno a creare spazi che siano una perfetta fusione di razionalità e bellezza, dove la forma è sempre subordinata all'idea. Speriamo che questa esposizione ispiri e illustri il nostro approccio all'architettura, dove l'idea è il vero motore della creatività.

Buona visita!

DOVE: Al Bajon, via Dalmazia 5, 43121, Parma. (info: +39 340 4233426)

RECS will be at Perspective Europe 2024 in Venice, Italy

Exciting news!
RECS Architects is thrilled to announce our participation in PERSPECTIVE EUROPE 2024, the 15th edition of the Architecture and Interior Design Forum organized by The Plan.

Join us at the Venice Lido from May 27-29 for an unmissable opportunity to explore new business avenues, stay ahead of market trends, and connect with industry leaders.

See you there!
#theplan #theplanmag #venicelido #perspective2024

Interview to Architect Pier Maria Giordani for RadioCanaleItalia

Here's the complete video interview with Radio Canale Italia!

Together with Carlotta Santandrea from the Storytime editorial team, we discussed the global expansion of RECS Studio, the daily value we provide to our clients, and how we continue to grow in the world of architecture and design.


#RadioCanaleItalia #Interview

"Urban Design" - A Special Thank You!

Heartfelt thanks to all those who have followed our journey on “Urban Design” with interest. We hope to have given you new perspectives on Parma and to have brought you closer to the beauty of our city and its daily nuances.

A special thanks to the editorial team at @12tvparma and the kind Alessandra Cadoppi.

Also, a heartfelt thank you to Roberto Ricci Design @rrd for promoting Architect Giordani’s clothing and to all the other sponsors who made this program possible: @xlitesrl @casa_finder_parma @gemar_laboratoriocreativo @elferascensori @geo.cosrl @recs.architects

#Parma #12TVParma #UrbanDesign

Thanks to RADIO3 for the Interview to Architect Pier Maria Giordani

Pier Maria Giordani was a guest on Radio 3 for the podcast "Tutta la città ne parla" (The Whole City Is Talking About It). Pier Maria Giordani, architect, founder, and CEO of Recs Architects (the acronym Recs comes from Re City Size, an imaginary word that evokes a concept of redefinition or rethinking of the city's size). His book "Building the City of the Third Millennium. A replicable 'type' of city worldwide for every social class" (Italian and English Edition, Maggioli Editore, 2023) has been released. With his studio, he has implemented the first Social Smart Cities, particularly in Brazil, whose project was presented at Expo 2015.

#Parma #RADIO3 #Radio

Radio Parma hosted Architect Pier Maria Giordani to talk about his new TV Format "Urban Design"

Thank you to Radio Parma and their entire team for this pleasant, amusing, and interesting interview with our Chairman Pier Maria Giordani

We invite all of you to watch  "Urban Design," a new television format hosted by Alessandra Cadoppi and Pier Maria Giordani, airing at 9:00 PM every Friday on 12tvparma. 

If you don't have access to the channel 12TVParma, at this link you will find the live stream starting at 8:50 PM, or you can watch the episode on demand in the "Programs" section.


#urbandesign #Parma #RadioParma

A New TV Format Is Coming Soon

A brand-new television format featuring our Chairman,

Architect Pier Maria Giordani,

is currently in the editing phase,

and it’s all about architecture and urban design!

We can’t spill all the beans just yet...

so, stay tuned !!!

#comingsoon #tv #newformat #staytuned #architects #architecture #urbandesign #building #construction #newshow #RecsProud

Architect Pier Maria Giordani meets the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing in Saudi Arabia

We were honored to have a private meeting with Majid Al-Hogail, the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing in Saudi Arabia. Our chairman, Architect Giordani, presented his visionary philosophy on housing and master planning, which resonated perfectly with the Minister's vision.
As a gesture of appreciation, Architect Giordani gifted the Minister a copy of his latest book, "How to build the City of the Third Millennium."

#CityScapeGlobal #Ryiadh2023 #SaudiArabia

RECS Takes the Spotlight at Cityscape Riyadh 2023

From September 10th to 13th, 2023, RECS Architects made waves at the Cityscape Riyadh exhibition, unveiling cutting-edge projects to an enthusiastic audience.

We showcased a variety of innovative designs, capturing attention with avant-garde skyscrapers and sustainable urban planning solutions. The exhibition was a vivid example of RECS Architects commitment to redefining the boundaries of architecture.

The success at Cityscape Riyadh 2023 was a collective achievement, thanks to the passionate team behind the scenes. Their creativity and dedication were instrumental in bringing our vision into the spotlight on this global stage.

The exhibition was not only an opportunity to showcase architectural talent but also a strategic venue to make new connections in the industry. The opportunities that emerged are a testament to the combined efforts of the team, paving the way for exciting collaborations and future projects.

We look to the future with gratitude for the connections made at Cityscape Riyadh 2023 and the enthusiasm to translate these opportunities into exciting projects. 

#CityScapeGlobal #Ryiadh2023 #SaudiArabia