Parma in posa 2024: Un omaggio fotografico ai personaggi e alle storie della città

Il 19 novembre 2024, alle ore 18:30, l’Auditorium del Palazzo del Governatore a Parma ospiterà un evento imperdibile per tutti gli amanti della fotografia, della cultura e della città stessa: la presentazione del libro "Parma in posa 2024" di Francesco Bocchi, edito da Graphital.

Questo progetto editoriale offre un ritratto visivo della comunità parmigiana, immortalando volti, luoghi e storie che rendono unica la città.

L’autore, Francesco Bocchi, è riuscito a raccontare Parma attraverso una serie di immagini che mettono in risalto la personalità dei suoi protagonisti, compreso il nostro CEO, l’architetto Pier Maria Giordani.

Programma dell’evento
Durante la presentazione, ci saranno interventi di illustri ospiti, tra cui:

  • Lorenzo Lavagetto, Vicesindaco e Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Parma, che aprirà l’evento con un saluto istituzionale.
  •  Chiara Allegri, Direttrice del Museo d’Arte Cinese ed Etnografico, che offrirà una prospettiva culturale sul valore di questa opera.
  • Paolo Barbaro, Docente di storia della fotografia, che approfondirà il valore artistico e storico delle immagini raccolte nel libro.
  • Francesco Bocchi, autore del libro, che racconterà il suo processo creativo e la scelta dei soggetti che rappresentano Parma.

Un omaggio visivo alla città
"Parma in posa 2024" non è solo un libro fotografico, ma una testimonianza dell’anima di Parma, dei suoi abitanti e delle tradizioni che continuano a renderla una città vivace e in costante evoluzione.

In linea con la missione di RECS di promuovere e sostenere iniziative che valorizzano il territorio e la sua identità, siamo lieti di condividere informazioni su questo evento che offre uno sguardo intimo sulla comunità di Parma. Le immagini di "Parma in posa 2024" ci ricordano l'importanza di preservare e raccontare le storie locali, un obiettivo che anche RECS persegue attraverso i suoi progetti di architettura e design.

Non perdetevi questo evento unico che celebra la bellezza e la storia di Parma attraverso gli scatti di un grande fotografo

Grande successo per l’intervista a Pier Maria Giordani su Storytime Official Radio Canale Italia!

L’intervista a Pier Maria Giordani, co-fondatore di Recs Architects, è finalmente disponibile su Storytime Official Radio Canale Italia, un evento imperdibile per chiunque sia interessato al mondo dell’architettura e del design sostenibile.

Per ascoltarla, bastano pochi semplici passaggi:
1.⁠ ⁠Cliccate su questo link: https:///
2.⁠ ⁠Selezionate "Radio Canale Italia Emilia Romagna".
3.⁠ ⁠Premete "Play" e scorrete fino alla lettera "P".
4.⁠ ⁠Selezionate Pier Maria Giordani e godetevi l’intervista!

Durante la conversazione, Giordani ha condiviso approfondimenti esclusivi sullo studio Recs Architects, parlando del significato del nome "Recs" e dell’impegno verso una progettazione architettonica all’avanguardia. Temi centrali dell’intervista sono stati l’innovazione, la sostenibilità e il futuro della progettazione per spazi produttivi, temi che lo studio considera fondamentali per rispondere alle sfide contemporanee.

L’architetto Pier Maria Giordani ha illustrato come Recs Architects stia lavorando per creare edifici che non solo siano esteticamente innovativi, ma che rispettino anche l’ambiente, ponendo la sostenibilità al centro del processo creativo. Un esempio concreto di come l'architettura possa evolversi per rispondere a esigenze pratiche e ambientali.

L'intervista ha rappresentato un’importante occasione per esplorare la visione e le ambizioni di Recs Architects, grazie alla professionalità e alla passione di Giordani, che ha espresso la sua gratitudine allo staff di Storytime e Radio Canale Italia per l’opportunità.

Giordani ha inoltre dichiarato la sua speranza di poter tornare presto in radio per parlare di nuovi progetti e idee che rispecchiano la continua evoluzione dello studio.

Non perdete l’opportunità di scoprire di più su Recs Architects e il loro approccio innovativo e sostenibile al design!

#RECSArchitects #Design #interview #architecture

RECS Architects Wins Major Design Competition for Keqiao's "Design District"

RECS Architects is delighted to announce a significant victory in China! 🇨🇳 We have secured the prestigious commission to design the "Design District" in Keqiao, Zhejiang, following a highly competitive design competition.

Our winning proposal envisions an 85,000 square meter space consisting of 11 buildings, transcending the conventional office complex or commercial village concept. Instead, our design will transform the area into the city's vibrant "chic living room"—a dynamic environment where art and design come to life! 

Amidst tough competition from 13 design studios, including top Chinese firms, RECS stood out with a vision that promises to redefine urban creativity. The project will serve as an industrial hub for design, fashion, and innovation, featuring workshops, studios, galleries, fashion markets, and more. This dedicated space will foster a thriving community of creativity and artistic expression.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to making this remarkable achievement possible! 

#RECSArchitects #Design #UrbanDesign #Architecture #Keqiao #Zhejiang #China #FashionCity #Victory #DesignCompetition #Creativity

Pier Maria Giordani Discusses the Future of Cities on Rai Radio 3

On August 15, Pier Maria Giordani, CEO of Recs Architects, featured on Rai Radio 3’s special program "Ferragosto and the Future of Cities." The show addressed the pressing issue of "overtourism" in popular tourist destinations, highlighting the stark contrast between the influx of tourists and the growing number of Italians who are unable to afford vacations. With over 250 million euros in loans requested, including many from young people, the need for innovative solutions is evident.

In his segment, Giordani emphasized the critical need to envision and design cities that are both livable and inclusive. He shared insights from his extensive work, including the Laguna Eco Park project in Brazil, and discussed his book, *"How to Build the City of the Third Millennium."* The book presents a model for future cities that can be replicated globally, catering to all social classes.

For those interested in listening to Giordani’s insightful discussion, the full replay is available at the following link ⤵️ 


Architect Giordani Shares Visionary Urban Planning Ideas with Saudi Minister Majid Al-Hogail


We were honored to have a private meeting with Majid Al-Hogail, the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing in Saudi Arabia. Our chairman, Architect Giordani, presented his visionary philosophy on housing and master planning, which resonated perfectly with the Minister's vision.

As a gesture of appreciation, Architect Giordani gifted the Minister a copy of his latest book, 'How to build the City of the Third Millennium.’

#CityscapeGlobal #ArchitectsInRiyadh #MeetingWithMinistry #recs #Riyadh #2024

PARMA: Our Exhibition “Idea and Form: The Creative Vision of RECS Architects”

Exciting news!
We are thrilled to announce our Exhibition “Idea and Form: The Creative Vision of RECS Architects”,  available from May 30th to September 30th 2024 at Al Bajon, via Dalmazia 5, 43121, Parma. 

"Idea and Form: The Creative Vision of RECS Architects" is a showcase dedicated to our architectural vision where reason guides form and architecture becomes the means through which the idea materializes. Through five thematic areas, we will explore projects that reflect our rational approach, where every architectural element functions as a representation of a conceptual idea.

Our philosophy is based on a rational approach to architecture, where the idea always dominates the form and never the opposite. We believe that architecture must represent the raison d'être of an idea, which always comes before the form. This principle guides every one of our creations, ensuring that every building, every space, reflects a deep coherence between imagination and realization.

Thematic Areas of the Exhibition

  • Interior Design for Private Homes
  • Interior Design for Commercial Areas
  • Villas and Condominiums
  • Towers and Skyscrapers
  • Public Spaces

We invite you to explore every section of the exhibition to fully understand how our philosophy translates into practice. Each project on display is a testament to our commitment to creating spaces that are a perfect fusion of rationality and beauty, where form is always subordinated to the idea. We hope this exhibition inspires and illustrates our approach to architecture, where the idea is the true engine of creativity.

Enjoy your visit!

Location: Al Bajon, via Dalmazia 5, 43121, Parma.  (info: +39 340 4233426)

RECS will be at Perspective Europe 2024 in Venice, Italy

Exciting news!
RECS Architects is thrilled to announce our participation in PERSPECTIVE EUROPE 2024, the 15th edition of the Architecture and Interior Design Forum organized by The Plan.

Join us at the Venice Lido from May 27-29 for an unmissable opportunity to explore new business avenues, stay ahead of market trends, and connect with industry leaders.

See you there!
#theplan #theplanmag #venicelido #perspective2024

Interview to Architect Pier Maria Giordani for RadioCanaleItalia

Here's the complete video interview with Radio Canale Italia!

Together with Carlotta Santandrea from the Storytime editorial team, we discussed the global expansion of RECS Studio, the daily value we provide to our clients, and how we continue to grow in the world of architecture and design.


#RadioCanaleItalia #Interview

"Urban Design" - A Special Thank You!

Heartfelt thanks to all those who have followed our journey on "Urban Design" with interest. We hope to have given you new perspectives on Parma and to have brought you closer to the beauty of our city and its daily nuances.

A special thanks to the editorial team at @12tvparma and the kind Alessandra Cadoppi.

Also, a heartfelt thank you to Roberto Ricci Design @rrd for promoting Architect Giordani's clothing and to all the other sponsors who made this program possible: @xlitesrl @casa_finder_parma @gemar_laboratoriocreativo @elferascensori @geo.cosrl @recs.architects

#Parma #12TVParma #UrbanDesign

Thanks to RADIO3 for the Interview to Architect Pier Maria Giordani

Pier Maria Giordani was a guest on Radio 3 for the podcast "Tutta la città ne parla" (The Whole City Is Talking About It).

Pier Maria Giordani, architect, founder, and CEO of Recs Architects (the acronym Recs comes from Re City Size, an imaginary word that evokes a concept of redefinition or rethinking of the city's size). His book "Building the City of the Third Millennium. A replicable 'type' of city worldwide for every social class" (Italian and English Edition, Maggioli Editore, 2023) has been released. With his studio, he has implemented the first Social Smart Cities, particularly in Brazil, whose project was presented at Expo 2015.

#Parma #RADIO3 #Radio